Business Transition

Ensuring Continuance


Time passes.

What will happen to your business in the long term? Will you sell it? —to Partners, to Competitors, to Employees/Management? Will you hand it down to the Family?

Whether you wish to Strengthen Continuity, to Build Succession, or to Sell your Business there is an even bigger bonus to starting early. Everything you ‘should do’ to help you maximize your returns if you sell, will have an immediate positive impact on your business value while you continue to own it.

With Transition Planning you can lower the risks and increase the benefits.

Strengthen Continuity

Protecting the Continuity of your business means risk management. The written plan for this process is usually a Shareholder Agreement. You need a plan that others can follow with or without you, so the process can continue successfully when or if you are not able to direct things. Being prepared means you can move quickly and confidently (or someone else can if you are not around or incapacitated).

Build Succession

If you want to exit your business and/or provide Continuity, then the most important thing you will need is a successor. Start with the end in mind. Manage your plan and business to build a package that will attract the best kind of successor for your wants and needs.

Selling Your Business

Selling your business for its best value, takes time, teamwork, research, planning, strategy, preparation, networking, and commitment.  Working through this process in a diligent and conscientious manner can have an immediate, positive impact on your business.


Number of steps required


Number of opinions


Pages of work


Wins when done right